Saturday, January 16, 2010

New Years goals and such

One of my new years resolutions has been to write more poetry. That used to be my thing but now since I've been focusing all my energy on the novel, I've fallen out of practice. I am going to try to write one-two poems a week. We'll see if all of that 'practice' does anything for the poems.

Here's the latest:

Just Why

I repeat
over and
over their histories:
a tale of mice, and their tails
dangling from the eaves of
a pinecone;
another one found adrift
in the snow, a gift
under a Christmas tree.
That shell from him, a friend,
a hopeful romantic.
That shell from him, a lover,
a sad excuse.
That fragile rock from Outback
behind the cities, crushed
into white ink
for stony histories.
That star from the Oregon beach,
the one I didn't save.
That shell from...
it's slipped away, like the tide
it came in on.
I can't remember why
I keep it on the shelf with
the pinecone, a tale of mice,
and their tails...


Monday, January 11, 2010

1st Year Anniversary!

As of today, I have been writing every day for at least 15 minutes for an entire year! I am so excited, I can't remember the last time I accomplished something like this.
I wish I could say I have a complete novel to show for it, but as of Saturday, I've decided to rewrite the whole outer story (half the book) from scratch, from a whole different perspective. I'm never going to finish at this rate! But, I'm excited about the project again, the rewrite has peaked my interest and I've got all sorts of ideas.
Tonight, I'm going to celebrate with Chocolate custard eclairs (always wanted to try those), 500 Days of Summer, a glass of wine and homemade beef stroganoff. Later this week I'm going dancing!
Thanks for all the support! Let's see what happens in another year of writing non-stop!