For a few years now I have had a handy little book called 2,001 things to do before you die, by Dane Sherwood. In the spirit of bucket lists, mine mostly consisted of places to go around the world. But when I sat down to start thinking about what things I really want to do, the world suddenly opened up. And this book has been quite the inspiration. Out of the 2,001 things, I have already done quite a few. There are a lot more listings that I have no intention of ever doing or wanting to do, like 'Waking up next to Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie', or 'Climb the highest summits on all seven continents'. The fun has been in crossing off those things and coming up with my own. Last year I accomplished two: take a hot air balloon ride and learn to blow glass. In the middle of my own personal recession, some of the more spendy things are a little out of reach at the moment, so I'm going to work hard at knocking off a few of the more sedentary goals, like: Learn something new every day for a month, Read a romance novel, or, Do an open mic night at the Mercury Cafe. Look for my progress here, and let me know of your own bucket list ideas if you wish.
I've been a little lax on the 'writing' part of the blog, so here's a recent poem.
Happier is that obnoxious guy
I avoid at parties
He's always looking
for someone better to talk to
with better connections and
a leg up.
Or, he's got better stories
than my little trip,
a bigger house,
a better car,
a more lucrative position.
But I have found
the loophole, because I know.
I used to be happier.
Then I lost weight, a few letters,
and now I'm perfectly happy.
I've been a little lax on the 'writing' part of the blog, so here's a recent poem.
Happier is that obnoxious guy
I avoid at parties
He's always looking
for someone better to talk to
with better connections and
a leg up.
Or, he's got better stories
than my little trip,
a bigger house,
a better car,
a more lucrative position.
But I have found
the loophole, because I know.
I used to be happier.
Then I lost weight, a few letters,
and now I'm perfectly happy.