Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Story of the Underoos

The real story of the Underoos goes like this:

My friend - who due to the sensitive nature of this story we shall call Brookie - was on her way to India when she and her boyfriend at the time stayed overnight in New York at her then-boyfriend's brother's place.  It just so happened that her then-boyfriend's brother was rooming with...Neil Patrick Harris.  Some of you may remember him as Doogie Houser, some may know him well as Barney Stinson.  I know him as the owner of the fabulous man-panties on the wall in my bathroom.  Brookie knew that I had a celebrity crush on NPH, so she took it upon herself to thoughtfully rifle through his undie drawer to find the the pair that would best match my decor.  6-9 months later, after backpacking across India and Indonesia, Brookie attended my birthday party and presented me with this fabulous gift. 

Enter Corinne and Connor at the sleepover weekend before last asking me:

"Aunt Kewey, why do you have underoos on your wall?  Why are they fwamed?"

"Well, kids, it's a funny story.  My friend Brookie knew that I liked this man, and she went through...she borrowed a pair of his underoos because she thought it would be funny, and she gave them to me for my birthday."

"But why do you have underoos on your wall?"

"Because it's funny."


"Who wants pancakes!?" I had to end it on a high note, and save that story for much, much later.

Sunday, January 13, 2013


Corinne and Connor slept over at my house last night, and Ryan and Ren slept in.
The kids and I had a great time! We built a gingerbread house - though Connor mostly squished the frosting between his fingers, and had pizza and banana smoothies for dinner. 
Nikko made an appearance and the kids loved her! She let them pet her and Corinne said she "loves that cat like crazy."
We watched Ratatouille, read Skippyjon Jones and stayed up late!

I'd been hoping that a later bedtime would result in later waking up.  Ha. Connor got up twice to go potty (but he stayed dry all night - hooray!) and Corinne got up once.  Then Connor was padding down the hall in his Pingu footy pajamas at 6:00 am saying that he was ready for pancakes.  Corinne joined us 15 minutes later, so it was indeed time for pancakes.

Connor helped me load the dishwasher and shake the pancakes, and we played some more before Ryan and Ren came to get the kiddos.  We had LOTS of fun, but I was so excited for a nap.  The kitties were too.  Vindaloo had hidden herself in the basement the whole time, and so both kitties joined me for a nap - which is unusual.  This is the first time they were able to 'share' me!

I called Ryan this afternoon to tell him how quiet my house is...and how I miss those munchkins!

Connor helping me shake the pancakes.

The kitties napping on me.

Earlier this week I stepped out at lunchtime to see the Stock Show Parade downtown.  Yep, we had longhorns in the streets of our cosmopolitan city.

Walking back from cowboys, cattle and tractors, I saw this outside a restaurant.  That's Denver for you.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

A New Tail

This year starts out with two new roommates - they're leasing with an option to buy.  Or rather, I'm babysitting with an option to adopt them.

Vindaloo (the darker one) and Nikko (the grey one) came to my house last week with my friend Brooke who has asked me to watch them for 3-6 months while she gets settled in her move, and if I fall in love with them in that time, I could keep them.  It was pretty nice reading this afternoon with Nikko curled on my lap.

And yesterday I went on a hike and the clouds were perfectly shaped like cartoon waves.  By the time I got to where I could take this picture, they were a little blurry, but still a good sign of a good day.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A Fresh Start

Happy New Year!

This has always been a day of reflection and looking ahead for me.  Yes, the cliche setting of goals as well, some of which don't get done, but I'm happy to report that a couple of my biggest ones were completed this year!

I completed most of the Highline Canal, with the exception of the last few miles in Aurora on which I'm giving myself a pass because going along Colfax doesn't strike me as safe or scenic. 
I've lost 18 lbs of my goal of 45, but considering that I didn't start really working on it till September, I feel that's an accomplishment worth noting.
I did go on a trip - to California with Mom!
And while I didn't formally set up a website for my purses, I've still sold 5 or 6 this year, and gave another to Mom for a donation to her new do-gooders group.

Some of my new goals for this year include:

Lose 25 more pounds
Travel - hopefully internationally!
Write everyday
Make and sell more purses
Make a loaf of bread from scratch

And...figure out my new purpose for this blog, now that I've done the daily pictures.

Here are some pics from the most recent Christmas break:

The whole family turned out for Corinne's Pre-K holiday recital.

Christmas Eve with Mom, Serenity, Connor and Corinne.  Connor is still 'playing' church - strumming Dad's guitar, and asking Mom and I to hold up our 'candles' to the church music.

Christmas morning was great for everyone.  And, I made mittens out of sweaters out of everyone and they were a cozy hit.

Dad has started going to Grandma's Memory Care Center every Thursday to sing to the residents, and I got to go with him a couple times.  They LOVE him there.

 A month ago, Ryan, Serenity and the kids helped me cut my Christmas Tree, and Corinne looked with her 'sharp eyes' to help me find it.

And dad really got into the spirit.  Post Merry Christmas, and a very Happy New Year to all of you!