Sunday, November 9, 2008

Moving Forward Fearlessly

"No one will know you've been swimming, if you don't make waves."

My friends are inspiring me to get a move on with my writing. I think it's part fall - I always feel extra inspired this time of year - and part their moving and shaking that has me feeling extra shaky. One of my closest friends just surprised us last night by opening a bar. Go get 'em tiger! Another friend is going back to school. Yet another is chasing down her own business. And another is making a fresh new start, with the world at her fingertips.
A bunch of us went for fun, frou-frou facials for a girls night, and while the chocolate/pumpkin masks were drying we got to draw Fairy cards. No, we weren't in Boulder. My fairy card said Moving Forward Fearlessly. Whether that's in reference to my upcoming roommateless independence in my own home, or sending off my animal sounds story - ("Soon!" "Ira, How soon?" "Very soon!" )- or lighting a fire under my butt for the second half of my Asparagus revival book, I am indeed moving forward...FEARLESSLY!

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