Sunday, April 1, 2012

Happy Birthday Dad!

This has been a great week! I had Monday and Tuesday off, and Dad's birthday was yesterday.  I've got a lot of great pictures - see below. 

March 26th - I had all sorts of plans to be outside today but it was so windy and smoky from the wildfire that I stayed inside.  So here's a picture of deliciousness - salted caramel biscotti.

March 27th - I got a new bike and went for a bike ride! This cute gazebo was along the trail, and a coyote was out for a morning stroll too.

And, I made a purse.

March 28th - Back at work and running errands, I saw this sign outside a shop downtown.

March 29th - On my way back from Loveland, I was able to catch this view of Denver before a truck pulled up next to me. 

After work, I read on my back patio for a bit and got a few pics in my back yard.

March 30th, I hung out with my friend Jenica and her daughter Maddy.

March 31st - Dad's Birthday! We saw Bill Cosby at the Buell and joined our family friend Vince afterward at the Churchill in the Brown Palace for cigars and scotch.  I invented a Kellytini - Baileys, Kahlua, vanilla vodka.

April 1 - The whole family celebrated Dad's birthday today with burgers and Mom's rhubarb pie.  Here's Connor with the hose, intent on cooling us down.

Happy birthday Dad!

1 comment:

Ren said...

I have never seen so many smiling picture of Corinne. :)