Monday, August 20, 2012

To the Zoo!

August 13th - After a long and busy weekend, I was so glad for a nap under my knitted blanket and a good book.

August 14th - I love  a good book that teaches me something new.  This taught me many new things.

August 15th - Mellow Mushroom Pizza is so delicious!

August 16th - This little girl of Make-A-Stand Lemonade is amazing and inspiring.  She's 8 and raising $150,000 to end human trafficking.

August 17th - Corinne and Connor make me laugh so hard!  Babysitting them is a great recharge of my batteries. 

August 18th - Zoo Bingo! Kevin and I went to the zoo and played and Zoo Bingo was a hit!

Then we went to help celebrate Maura's birthday at Whimsy, painting and sipping and rocking out to good tunes.

August 19th - Delicious peach sangria!!

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