Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Happy Birthday To Me!

I had a fabulous birthday weekend!  I got a couple pieces of art from my brother and mom, a new bike from my boyfriend! And a very fabulous balloon from my 3-year-old niece!  I had hardly made it in the front door of my parents house before my niece came bounding at me beaming with a giant lady bug balloon in tow. 

Corinne picked this balloon out for me, and a freesia plant.  She was so proud and excited to give them to me, and (amazingly for a three-year-old) understood that they were going home with me, not her, and that was ok!  I have been smiling since about that little wonder and her gifts of love!

And here is the very cool painting my brother did of a picture of me and dad on the beach. 

I don't have a picture of the piece my mom did yet, as it is getting the finishing touches before being handed over.  This has been one fantastic birthday of very loving and thoughtful gifts.  Thanks to all!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Break Up

I haven't written on my novel since December, when I handed over a draft to both my folks and my brother at Christmas for feedback.  I just recently got said feedback from my brother and the gist is...he likes some of my writing, but the whole story needs to change.  And the worst part is, it's not an unfounded critique, so I can't blame it on just his subjective take.  I had actually suspected I'd get some of the criticisms I did. 

So now I'm mulling, and stewing, and figuring out just how to break up with some of my favorite characters, and bulk up the others.  Did Twain ever go through this? Steinbeck? (Hemingway should  have.)  When does the editing stop?  My friend and fellow writer Mike White - Laughing Under Water Looks a Lot Like Drowning showed me his book, printed and bound, that he was still making edits to. 

So, back to the drawing board I go, and I'll leave you with a picture from Grand Lake.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Help

I absolutely love opening a new book and knowing from the first page I'm going to love it.  That doesn't happen very often, in fact, pretty rarely.  In fact, I had to give Atlas Shrugged, one of my favorites, at least 100 pages to really get into it.  This last Memorial Monday, I spent a delectable three hours in bed finishing The Help, by Kathryn Stockett.  Her voices are very real, the relationships too, and the fabric of the story is unique and captivating.  As I devoured the book on lunch breaks and snippets here and there, I tried to store away notes to myself on technique and savvy tips for an outstanding story.  She is one of the writers I aspire to be on a shelf with.  I also wanted to throw the book at those writing teachers and critics that say "write what you know" as an AhHA!! This is a white woman, writing in part from the perspective of two black maids in the 60's, and she did it flawlessly.  An absolutely stunning read, and the movie is coming out in August.