Sunday, June 24, 2012

Happy Birthday To Me!

June 18th - What a way to start the week off - a day off and lots of cupcakes!

June 19th - Nothing but one pot left after a ton of dishes!  Why did I stop at one pot? Because.

June 20th - My amazing boss, Alexis, who makes it fun to go to work.

June 21st - Comfy jean capris that make my patoot look fabulous!

June 22nd - Our family friend Pat - who share's my birthday - had a surprise party.  His daughter Molly has a daughter and son that are just months apart in age from Connor and Corinne.

June 23rd- My latest and greatest purse, which has inspired 3 custom orders just this week!

June 24th - Great coffee with my dad this morning after a long walk but I forgot to take a pic.  I did, however, remember to get a picture of my friend Jenica with Jamba Juice. Mmmmm.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day!

June 11th - I'm grateful for a decent pic I can use for a few projects.

June 12th - Good smelly candles make me happy - especially when they're itty bitty.

June 13th - I forgot to take a picture of my friend Julie at lunch today, so here is one of the ornamental grasses in my yard that are particularly pretty right now.

June 14th - I made these earrings for my friend Jenica's bday.

June 15th - My swirl flower garden! I took the day off today and Mom showed up with a half ton of gravel - hooray! I finished the area around my veggie gardens(with another half ton of gravel) and river rock to make my swirl.  Stay tuned for the flowers!

June 16th - Ryan and I went garage saling all morning and it was great! The sales themselves weren't so fabulous, although the little boys at one sale had a ninja cookie and lemonade stand, and it was the cutest thing I've ever seen!  They even had tee-shirts made for the occasion. 

There were tons of lemonade and bake sale stands, but no hot dogs, so Ry and I went to Crave for lunch where I checked this burger off on my bucket list - the buns are krispy kreme donuts. (The side salad makes  it healthy.)

Though I couldn't talk Ryan into buying Humphrey the hamster - live! - it was a great day overall!

June 17th - Happy Father's day to Dad and Ryan!  Dad had the kids undivided attention when he was playing with his new telescopic fishing pole and then showed them the kiddie pole he got for them.  They went fishing off the balcony and it's amazing the things they reeled in - feathers, Nemo, a spider ring, and even Aunt Kelly!

Mom and I got plants for my gardens and I planted them all tonight! I'll have basil, cilantro and parsley, baby round zuchinni, leeks, green and yellow bell peppers, pumpkins, zuchinni and watermelons! And flowers for my spiral garden. 

I wish everyone had as great a dad as I have.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Happy Birthday Brother

June 4th - I had dinner with my friend Gayle who is moving to Santa Barbara.  We had dinner at the place where our friendship started - Asian Fusion on 1st Ave. 

June 5th - I had to go in for jury duty today and though I was one person away from the box, I wasn't selected.  Woohoo!

June 6th - I had lunch with my friend Maura today, and on our way back to the office I bought delicious panna cotta from the Panna Cotta Pedlar.  Delicious!

June 7th - I went to the  Urban Peak graduation for their GED students tonight on Auraria Campus and while I couldn't get a good shot of the grads, I got an ok shot of the stain glass window.

June 8th - Went into a hoity toity store that I'll never go in again, and I don't feel guilty at all for taking a picture of their merchandise.  These are beetles!

June 9th - Happy Birthday Ryan!! Before meeting up with my brother, I went with my friend Kim and her friend Colleen on a calf-killing hike to Herman's Gulch. 

June 10th - To celebrate Ryan's bday, the family went to the zoo today.  The highlights for the kids were: blue and green trashcans, a rabbit, playing in the kiddy stream, ice cream and bubbles. Yes, there were animals present, but these were indeed the highlights!

Connor spinning the prayer wheels in the new Elephant enclosure while saying cheese, and 'cute' birds says Corinne.

The kids 'riding' in and driving a tuk tuk.

Playing in the cave.

It was a true family day today.

Happy birthday buddy!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Mission Accomplished!

May 28th - I had a play date with two of my favorite people - Corinne and Connor - at my house.  We went to my neighborhood playground, had a picnic in my backyard with squid-dogs and homemade ice cream for dinner.  We had a blast!

May 29th - Corinne planted sprinkler flags and pinwheels in my new garden.  Hopefully other stuff will grow there too.

May 30th - I got to see a principal kiss a big, hairy pig this morning because her students beat their collection total from last year.  What a way to start the day!

May 31st - Happy Hour with the Young Americans ladies, always a good time.

June 1st - I took two of our Impact Factory members to the TedxYouth event which was a great time!

June 2nd - I returned to Tedx for the Adult version with my friends Kim and Jay.

June 3rd - This is how confident I am in myself that I took this pic of the ton and a half of dirt in my driveway as my grateful pic assuming that I would have moved it all to my new veggie and flower gardens.  And I did!  I even planted some flowers - courtesy of Mom - in my new flower garden.  (Now I'm TOTALLY beat!)