Tuesday, November 22, 2011

365 Pictures

Since September, I have been writing down 3 things every day that I am grateful for.  These grateful tidbits have ranged from working out to Buffy the Vampire episodes in the morning, to gratefulness for my family, hot chocolate, being born a woman in America, new shampoo, etc. 

Another friend of mine alerted me to a very similar project started in Australia called 365 Grateful where the bloggers have started movements for not only writing down the things they're grateful for, to not complaining for a week, to taking a photo a day for the things they're grateful for.  That appeals to me on a major level.

Starting Thursday, Thanksgiving, I will start my 365 photos of gratefulness, taking a picture each day of something I am grateful for.  I am excited for the challenge and the creativity that will come out of this, and the opportunity to share it with you. 

1 comment:

Sarah C said...

I'm looking forward to seeing your pics!