Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

2009 is now underway and I am full of great intentions to hunker down and write write write! Resolutions include sending out more work to contests and publications while working on my kid's book and novel simultaneously. Number one goal for the year - get my kid's book sent out. I will keep you posted on that. is a poem that was published in the 1999 edition of CU's literary magazine, Tip O' the Tongue, with a special dedication to my brother.

Feminist's Nightmare
By Kelly Hayes

I had a feminist’s nightmare
the other night.
However, I rather warmed
in the smoldering remains.
A shady…more like midnight-
dark character
was after me – nothing new,
and I found safety in the arms
of a man.
The fear and horror couldn’t
touch me
while I was wrapped strong
and tight in him.
No dream of mine has ever
had an outlet like that,
never had a safe port,
and I loved it.
I smiled all the following day in fond
memory of his strength.
Feminists around the world
will pull their hair and
scream and cry
and claim myself a traitor
to the glory of womanhood.
And I even felt a tinge of guilt
when I woke
that it was a man
and not my mother
holding me.
But you know, I escaped
on my own and safe
when I left his arms.
The strongest of us
sometimes need a recharge
and isn’t part of womanhood
love- even of a mere man?
Ooooh! I hear those screams.
Well, strike me down!
I dreamt of being held,
and safe,
and strong,
and I am a better woman
because of it.

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