Sunday, August 25, 2013

Multi-Media Creative Day!

A little caffeine goes a long way for me! I visited a new and cute tea shop - In-Tea - in old Littleton today to do some writing, and when I got home I did some painting:

And made a purse:

Nikko wanted to help me with an earlier project that I had to put aside:

This morning I picked a bunch of tomatoes from my garden (even more than shown!) to take to the family.

And I'm starting a 30 day photography challenge.  Each day has an assignment and today's was to take a photo of myself. (I meant to do it that way, I swear.)

I figure this is a fun way to practice with my new camera.  Here are some other shots I've practiced on in the past few months:

And this month's philanthropic project is from Heifer International to help Senegal.

That brings my list up to:


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