Sunday, January 25, 2009

The 15 Minute Novel

It's working! I'm going on my third week of writing for 15 minutes every day. I write before I go to bed, and even some nights when it has been A DAY and I am exhausted, I still pluck up to write because "it's ONLY 15 minutes" and "I can't break the streak now." So this novel that I started writing 5 years ago...very sporadically mind you - may actually come to fruition in 15 minute spurts! Whatever works I guess.

Meanwhile, on the home front, it is snowing, I'm drinking tea out of my Dancing Bunnies Pot and gearing up for a 15 minute session to spruce up my latest short story, Crickets, before I send it off to the 2009 Unknown Writers Contest at

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

That pot is so cute! And it's awesome that you have a writing plan. Do what you love!