Sunday, January 13, 2013


Corinne and Connor slept over at my house last night, and Ryan and Ren slept in.
The kids and I had a great time! We built a gingerbread house - though Connor mostly squished the frosting between his fingers, and had pizza and banana smoothies for dinner. 
Nikko made an appearance and the kids loved her! She let them pet her and Corinne said she "loves that cat like crazy."
We watched Ratatouille, read Skippyjon Jones and stayed up late!

I'd been hoping that a later bedtime would result in later waking up.  Ha. Connor got up twice to go potty (but he stayed dry all night - hooray!) and Corinne got up once.  Then Connor was padding down the hall in his Pingu footy pajamas at 6:00 am saying that he was ready for pancakes.  Corinne joined us 15 minutes later, so it was indeed time for pancakes.

Connor helped me load the dishwasher and shake the pancakes, and we played some more before Ryan and Ren came to get the kiddos.  We had LOTS of fun, but I was so excited for a nap.  The kitties were too.  Vindaloo had hidden herself in the basement the whole time, and so both kitties joined me for a nap - which is unusual.  This is the first time they were able to 'share' me!

I called Ryan this afternoon to tell him how quiet my house is...and how I miss those munchkins!

Connor helping me shake the pancakes.

The kitties napping on me.

Earlier this week I stepped out at lunchtime to see the Stock Show Parade downtown.  Yep, we had longhorns in the streets of our cosmopolitan city.

Walking back from cowboys, cattle and tractors, I saw this outside a restaurant.  That's Denver for you.

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