Sunday, December 4, 2011

This Week's Pictures

In my second week of my 365 picture project, I've discovered in the little bit of extra effort it takes to pull out a camera or phone that I am grateful for things I might have otherwise missed.

Nov 28th - This was the view on my way to a business meeting on Monday, pretty tough to take.

Nov 29th - Every couple of weeks I help kids with homework before school at Colombian Elementary.  The little guy I worked with this morning made me smile - though I didn't take a picture of his face for privacy reasons. 

Nov 30th - This is my view each morning going in to work, and lit up when I leave -though those pics came out too blurry. 

Dec 1st - Came home and my angel of a neighbor had shoveled my drive and walk - something I was truly grateful for.

Dec 2nd - This is one of those moments I was so grateful to have my camera.  I see things all the time that would be great to capture on film, but rarely have the time to stop or a camera on hand.  Today I had both to capture these little birds trying to warm themselves in the sun.

Dec 3rd - We were supposed to go cut our Christmas trees today, but it was too cold and snowy.  So this is my alternative for a tree, and it makes me happy.  (Hint, it's on a mirror.)

Dec 4th - Making Gingerbread houses with a good friend.  My house had some serious structural issues.

I'm looking forward to seeing what pictures this next week will bring. 

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