Sunday, January 22, 2012

Banjoes Make Me Happy

I have reinstated an old goal I've played around with making, but never really officially put it down.  This year, I intend to walk or ride the entire Highline Canal in segments.  I started with a 3 mile segment on Monday (6 miles round trip) and fell in love again.  I took my camera along looking for some fun shots and practice.

This week's grateful pictures:

January 16th - Went for my 6 mile walk on the Highline, Quincey and Colorado Blvd to Belleview and back.

January 17th - Hooray Colorado! This was the scene that greeted me on my way to the office Tuesday morning.
Jan 18th - I am reading a very helpful book on writing, lots of great advice and 'activities' to help in the writing process - Chapter by Chapter by Heather Sellers.

January 19th - Dinner with my friend Zolo at the Cheesecake Factory.

January 20th - After babysitting the kids, my brother came home while Serenity went to a work gig, and we got to hang out a bit, philosophizing, chatting and eating late night brownies and milk.

January 21st - I went to a chili supper and bluegrass concert at the Franktown Grange with Mom and Dad.  Cantankerous was the band and they were very good.  I do love a good banjo, and a really good fiddle too.

January 22nd - I spent the morning at Mom and Dad's house, and just being there puts me in a good mood.  Tea, homemade scones, and lots of natural light make me very happy.

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