Sunday, June 24, 2012

Happy Birthday To Me!

June 18th - What a way to start the week off - a day off and lots of cupcakes!

June 19th - Nothing but one pot left after a ton of dishes!  Why did I stop at one pot? Because.

June 20th - My amazing boss, Alexis, who makes it fun to go to work.

June 21st - Comfy jean capris that make my patoot look fabulous!

June 22nd - Our family friend Pat - who share's my birthday - had a surprise party.  His daughter Molly has a daughter and son that are just months apart in age from Connor and Corinne.

June 23rd- My latest and greatest purse, which has inspired 3 custom orders just this week!

June 24th - Great coffee with my dad this morning after a long walk but I forgot to take a pic.  I did, however, remember to get a picture of my friend Jenica with Jamba Juice. Mmmmm.

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