Sunday, February 5, 2012

Good Day, Sunshine

Jan 30th - I am creating again! I finished a purse - new style and materials and I dare say, it's my best yet.

Jan 31st - It was a gorgeous day so I walked to our creepy storage downtown for work, taking in the architecture.

Feb 1st - Double Whammy Day - I had hot chocolate with my friend Justine Zollo which is always a good time, and then, when I got to work I brought in my latest purse to show my boss and friends, and my boss bought my purse!! And then sung my praises and showed off my work all over the office!!! Great way to start the month.

Feb 2nd - I had to opportunity to visit my old work and bask in appreciation for what I used to do, and to relive a little of that fun with the kids from my current job.

Feb 3rd - I am a creature of habit.  This is a pic of the things I do daily or weekly - a daily photo (caught in the reflection), I journal every day, I write a poem about one of Steve McCurry's portraits every night as kind of a writing exercise, I read a little about writing daily, and write (computer) on my novel and read for fun every day too.  I blog weekly as well.  I love having the freedom and ability to do all  of that so often.

Feb 4th - Yesterday it snowed and snowed and snowed some more, so today while running errands, I wore my polka-dotted galoshes so I could slosh through the slush and puddles freely.  I even invoked the spirit of my 3 yr old niece and did a little happy stomping.

Feb 5th - Today I had lunch with my friend Becca, and this morning I went for a walk in the neighborhood because the Highline was buried too deep. 

I paused to watch the air bubbles creep Fantasia-style under the ice in the morning sun.

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